Monday, May 27, 2019

Family Type

Past research shows violent video game exposure increases aggressive thoughts angry feelings physiological arousal aggressive behaviors. The present sketch examined the effect of violent video on enmity. It is said that Boys would be more aggressive due to violence as compared to girls. It was hypothesized that there would be high cook on aggression after watching violent video and boys would be more aggressive due to violence as compared to girls.I used Buss-Perry aggression questionnaire to measure aggression level of male and female. The sample of the study included 40 adults of 21-27 years of age. There were 20 males and 20 females. There is a passing epochal mean difference between pre (M =118. 45, SD =23. 184) and post (M =130. 97, SD =29. 527, *p . 000) test of aggression in adults with respect to total. There is also a highly significant mean difference between pre (M = 125. 15, SD = 21. 25) and post (M = 136. 40, SD = 25. 109, *p . 00) test of aggression in men and pre (M = 111. 75, SD = 23. 59) and post (M = 125. 55, SD = 33. 12, *p . 000) test of aggression in women. First participants were accustomed aggression questionnaire before and after watching the violent video. The results indicated that there is significant relationship of watching video on aggression and men scored high on aggression scale than women. I used paired sample t-test technique to measure the significant mean difference between pre and posttest of aggression in adults.

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